The Spotlight
- Surface123 m2
- Floor1st floor
The Spotlight is een grote plenaire zaal met luxe stoelen in theateropstelling en een stoere houten tribune. Deze zaal is uitermate geschikt voor (grotere) bedrijfspresentaties, trainingen en lezingen.
Room layout & max. capacity
- Boardroom:20 persons
- Theater:50 persons
- U-Shape:16 persons
Suitable for
- Conference
- Hybrid event
- Kick off
- Multi-day event
- Online event
- Product presentation
- Relationship event
- Symposium
- Elevator available
- Wheelchair friendly
Technical facilities
- Flipchart
- Grandstand foldable or not
- LED lights in desired color
- Microphones
- Projector
- Sound system
- Stage
Livestream facilities
- Cameras available
- Complete recording of the live stream
- Greenscreen
- Professional audio
- Professional video
- Screen
- Standard decor/furnishings
- Studio light