The Hangar - Auditorium
- Surface150 m2
- Atmosphere and appearanceBlackbox & Industrial
Unieke event zaal met een capaciteit tot 100 personen. Deze zaal is zeer geschikt voor kick-offs, presentaties, symposia en conferenties.
Theateropstelling: 90 personen
Cabaret: 40 personen
Carre: 30 personen
U-vorm: 28 personen
Room layout & max. capacity
- Cabaret:40 persons
- Diner:60 persons
- Circle:40 persons
- Lower house arrangement:80 persons
- Theater:100 persons
- U-Shape:25 persons
Suitable for
- Conference
- Network event
- Product presentation
- Training
- Wheelchair friendly
Technical facilities
- Acoustic ceiling
- Plug-and-play
- Sound system
- Stage
- TV screen
Livestream facilities
- Cameras available
- Complete recording of the live stream
- Technical specialist
Rates of this Space
A daypart from €450.00
Entire day from €900.00